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GSoC Contributor Guidance

Thanks for considering GDevelop for this GSoC edition!

Here is a suggested structure for your proposal:

  • A title and quick explanation about the idea you want to work on in a few sentences.
  • A larger description, that includes the main points of what you'd like to make/improve/fix (you can include an estimation of time if you have one).
  • If you identify risks or unknowns, be sure to include them. You can also list quick wins!
  • If there are any cards on the roadmap that are part of your proposal, list them in your description.
  • A few words about you, if you want to.
  • Your favourite video game :) (or, if it's too hard to choose, you can choose 2!)


A good proposal will show that you understood at least the big principles and are able to dive more in the problem.

You can read more about Google Summer of Code with GDevelop on this page.